Ex RANGER DRAGOON 2020. Corporal Niko Taipale from The British Columbia Dragoons, on watch in the Air Sentry Hatch of a Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle during Exercise RANGER DRAGOON 2020. Vernon, British Columbia. 21 February 2020.

Whiteout conditions on exercise, in Chilliwack British Colubia. 27 December 2017.

Exercise RANGER DRAGOON 2020. Members of The British Columbia Dragoons and The Rocky Mountain Rangers conduct a combined arms frontal assault in the middle of a blizzard during Exercise RANGER DRAGOON 2020. Vernon, British Columbia. 22 February 2020.
Photo: Private Daniel Pereira, 39 CBG Public Affairs

Exercise WESTERN SABRE, Wainwright AB. Reservists from the 3rd Canadian Division participate in dry-fire platoon attacks in preparation for live-fire platoon attacks, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright. Wainwright Alberta, 25 August 2021.

Exercise WESTERN SABRE, Wainwright AB. Reservists from the 3rd Canadian Division participate in dry-fire platoon attacks in preparation for live-fire platoon attacks, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright. Wainwright Alberta, 25 August 2021.

Ex WESTERN SABRE, Wainwright AB. Assault Pioneer Infantry Reservists from 3rd Canadian Division conduct a live-fire patrol and explosive range on Exercise WESTERN SABRE, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright. Wainwright AB, 24 August 2021.

Fort Lewis, Washington.

Victoria, British Columbia. Members of 39 Canadian Brigade Group participated in the Blair Shoot, an annual competition where the best shooters in the brigade compete to go to the Canadian Armed Forces Small Arms Concentration, at Heals Range in Victoria, 4 May 2020.
Photo: Private Daniel Pereira, 39 CBG Public Affairs

Victoria, British Columbia. Members of 39 Canadian Brigade Group participated in the Blair Shoot, an annual competition where the best shooters in the brigade compete to go to the Canadian Armed Forces Small Arms Concentration, at Heals Range in Victoria, 4 May 2020.
Photo: Private Daniel Pereira, 39 CBG Public Affairs

Corporal Garcia from the Loyal Edmonton Regiment on watch, during an Enhanced Level 3 Live-Fire Range, during Exercise WESTERN SABRE, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright. Wainwright Alberta, 26 August 2021.

Sergeant Alden from the Loyal Edmonton Regiment briefs members just prior to conducting a live-fire platoon attack on the Enhanced Level 3 Live-Fire Range, during Exercise WESTERN SABRE, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright, in Wainwright Alberta. 26 August 2021.

Reservists from 3rd Canadian Division participate in dry-fire platoon attacks in preparation for live-fire platoon attacks, on Exercise WESTERN SABRE, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright, in Wainwright Alberta. 25 August 2021.

Squamish, British Columbia. Members of the Air Task Force on Op LENTUS 21-06 (BC Floods) return to Abbotsford airport via Howe Sound, bringing back members from the interior to CFS Aldergrove, in British Columbia. 2 December 2021.

Operation LASER, Vancouver BC. Corporal Stephanie Patz from 12 (Vancouver) Field Ambulance sitting on the jumpseat of a CH-149 Cormorant, flying from Vancouver airport to Victoria airport, where members will continue to Quebec, to aid the health services in the province. Vancouver BC, 9 May 2020.

430 Tactical Helicopter Squadron Conducts an Aerial Recce of the Sumas Floodplain and Highway 1, between Hope and Merritt, British Columbia. 1 December 2021.

Sumas Praire, British Columbia. 430 Tactical Helicopter Squadron Conducts an Aerial Recce of the Sumas Floodplain and Highway 1, between Hope and Merritt, British Columbia. 1 December 2021.

430 Tactical Helicopter Squadron Conducts an Aerial Recce of the Sumas Floodplain and Highway 1, between Hope and Merritt, British Columbia. 1 December 2021.

Abbotsford, British Columbia. After the severe flooding in British Columbia, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visits Clayburn village. Thanks to the quick actions of Canadian Army soldiers on Operation LENTUS, many homes in the area were saved from destruction. Abbotsford BC, 26 November 2021.

Exercise WESTERN SABRE. Armoured Cavalry Reservists from 3rd Canadian Division train in a combined squadron, on Exercise WESTERN SABRE, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright. Wainwright Alberta, 25 August 2021.

Ex WESTERN SABRE, Wainwright Alberta. Private Justin Fernandes, from The Royal Westminster Regiment, firing the NM72 Light Anti-tank Weapon, during Exercise WESTERN SABRE, at Canadian Forces Base Wainwright. Wainwright, Alberta. 21 August 2021.

Chilliwack, British Columbia. Private Fateh Sandhu, from the British Columbia Regiment, holding a C7 service rifle while on watch in a trenche, on Basic Military Qualification-Land Course 0255, at the Opsee Training Area in Chilliwack, 20 June 2019.

Chilcotin, British Columbia. Private Elijah Clarke from the British Columbia Regiment in the turret of a G-Wagon looking out while completing a route reconnaissance during the Armoured Reconnaissance Crewman Course. Chilcotin BC, 15 August 2019.

Vancouver, British Columbia. Private Emily Thomas from The Royal Westminster Regiment stands at attention during a ceremony held by Veterans Affairs Canada. Soldiers from 39 Canadian Brigade Group joined to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Normandy Landings at Pacific Central Station. Vancouver BC, 29 March 2019.

Vancouver, British Columbia. 15th Field Regiment (RCA) conducts a 21-gun salute as part of the limited Remembrance Day ceremonies, at HMCS Discovery. Vancouver, BC. 11 November 2020.

Members of 39 Service Battalion on parade in the Sherman Armoury. Richmond, BC. 2019.

Exercise HAIDA SAPPER. Corporal Robinson hands decking pins to another Sapper during Exercise HAIDA SAPPER, an exercise to build two permanent bridges for Canadian Forces Detachment Masset, in Masset British Columbia. 26 September 2021. Photo: Private Daniel Pereira, 39 CBG Public Affairs

Exercise CAUSTIC SHOCK 2018, Yakima Washington. Members of 5 (British Columbia) Field Regiment (Royal Canadian Artillery) and members of 15 Field Regiment (Royal Canadian Artillery) fire a C3 105mm Howitzer during Exercise CAUSTIC SHOCK 2018 at the Yakima Training Centre, 20 October 2018.

Exercise GUNNER DUKE. Corporal Elijah Clarke, an Armoured Recce soldier from The British Columbia Regiment, the host of 'Ride Along Episode 2 - Armoured Recce'

Exercise GUNNER DUKE, Wainwright AB. Members of The British Columbia Regiment and The British Columbia Dragoons participate in familiarization training of the Leopard C2A5 Main Battle Tank, by members of Lord Strathcona's Horse regiment. Wainwright Alberta, 18 March 2021.

Operation LASER, Victoria BC. A CC-150 Polaris aircraft sits on the apron at Victoria International Airport, ready to board troops bound for Quebec. This was part of the Canadian Armed Forces' response to a Request For Assistance from the Government of Quebec during the COVID-19 pandemic. Victoria, BC, 10 May 2022
Corporal Michael Szeto, from the Royal Westminster Regiment, maintaining security while on a patrol, training in advance of international patrol competition Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL, outside Chilliwack, British Columbia. 23 September 2023.
Corporal Czajkowski from the Royal Westminster Regiment planning an urban assault with team leader Master Corporal Justin Fernandes, while training for international patrol competition CAMBRIAN PATROL, outside Chilliwack, British Columbia. 23 September 2023.

Members of 39 Combat Engineer Regiment deployed to Haida Gwaii on Ex HAIDA SAPPER, to build two bridges for Canadian Forces Detachment Masset. Masset, British Columbia. 25 September 2021.

Colonel Scott Raesler, Commander 39 Canadian Brigade Group and City of Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim salute formations of soldiers, firefighters, police, and others, during the Ceremony of Remembrance at Victory Square, honouring those veterans who served and are currently serving Canada, in Vancouver, British Columbia. 11 November 2023. Photo: Bombardier Daniel Pereira, 39 CBG Public Affairs